Products: Ripelicator

Product Ripelicator

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Misoprostol Tablet Delivery System For Cervical Ripening & PPH
Reliable insertion may help decrease induction to delivery time, shorten hospital stay, and reduce cost

Ripelicator Features:
  • Reliable Insertion Results
  • Facilitates Insertion Of Quarter, Half, Whole or Multiple Tablets
  • Avoids Patient Discomfort From Manual Insertion
  • Innovative Ergonomic Design
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Project Image“The standard of care we offer is critical to our patients’ childbirth experience. This new device gives us the ability to accurately deliver the proper dose of cervical ripening agent without discomfort and variability of our current method of treatment.”
Harsh Adhyaru, MD, OB/GYN


  • Martin JA, Hamilton BE, Osterman M, et al. Births : final data for 2016. Nat Vital stat Rep. 2018;67:1-55. ​Grobman WA, Rice MM, Reddy UM, et al; Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Maternal Fetal Medicine Units Network. Labor induction versus expectant management in low-risk nulliparous women. Nengl J Med.2018;379:513-523.
  • ACOG Practice bulletin #107 Induction of Labor August 2099, reaffirmed 2019.
  • Hofmeyr GJ, Gulmezoglu AM. Vaginal misoprostol for cervical ripening and induction of labor. Cochrane database of systemic reviews 2003 Issue1. Art No:CD000941 DOI: 10.1002
  • Gregson S, Waterstone M, Norman I, Muerrells T. A randomized control trial comparing low dose vaginal misoprostol and dinoprostone vaginal gel for inducing labor at term. BJOG 2005; 112:438-44
  • Garry D, Figueroa R, Kailash RB, Catalono CJ, Maulik D. Randomized control trial of vaginal misoprostol versus dinoprostone vaginal insert for induction of labor. J Maternal Fetal Neonatal Med 2003;13:254-9
  • ACOG Practice Bulletin # 183 Postpartum Hemorrhage: October 2017, reaffirmed 2019.


Cervical Ripening:

Project ImageCurrently cervical ripening agents are inserted into the vagina by holding a quarter tablet of misoprostol between provider’s fingers and pushed to the posterior fornix. This is uncomfortable for patients as both fingers must be inserted simultaneously and is unreliable as tablet can be crushed or dis-lodged from between fingers or stick to glove and come out with fingers leading to waste and additional discomfort by reinsertion.


Postpartum Hemorrhage:

Project ImageCurrently it requires manual rectal insertion of individual misoprostol tablets, 3 - 10 in number. This is very uncomfortable for patient and inefficient method in emergency like postpartum hemorrhage as it takes longer to insert 3-10 tablets individually into rectum and tablets can slip from grip and be wasted as tablets are very small to get a good grasp.

DOWNLOAD 8-5-20 TRAINING DECK ripelicator_training-8-5-20.pdf
AJORG - ELECTIVE INDUCTION AT 39 WEEKS ajorg_elective_induction_of_labor_at_39_weeks-rdcd.pdf
SAMPLE CUSTOMER LETTER sample_ripelicator_customer_letter_8-14-20.docx
RIPELICTOR LITERATURE ripelicator_applicator_literature_v-2.0.pdf
ACOG - LABOR INDUCTION GUIDELINES acog_induction_of_labor__2019_reaffirmed_.pdf
RIPELICATOR EVALUATION FORM ripelicator_lmr_evaluation_form_v.3.5_final.pdf
RIPELICATOR LOGO riplicator_logo.jpg